Replenish, restore, and rebuild collagen in the skin from inside out
Not just another filler. Sculptra® is a biostimulatory aesthetic injectable that helps stimulate your own natural collagen and elastin production to smooth facial wrinkles and improve skin tightness, revealing a refreshed-looking you. Additional benefits of this injectable treatment performed at Bloom Aesthetics include:
Minimizing lines, creases, and wrinkles
Stimulating new collagen production
Enhancing skin health
Minimally invasive with limited discomfort
Fast treatment sessions
No downtime and no scarring
Long-lasting, natural-looking results
Volume loss occurs during the natural aging process, particularly in the face as the cheeks tend to become hollow and flat over time. Our Orlando, Florida team offers Sculptra®, a poly-l-lactic acid filler that we use to provide long-lasting volume replacement in the face. In addition to improving the contours of the mid-face, Sculptra® can reduce the look of fine to deep wrinkles and lines, like the nasolabial folds (also known as smile or laugh lines) that run from the sides of the nose down to the outer corners of the mouth. With its unique formula, Sculptra® helps to increase the natural collagen and elastin production in your body, so even after you stop getting treatments, your skin will be stronger and healthier compared to before. It also increases bone density in the bones below where it is injected.

Boost natural collagen, improve skin quality, and bring out your youthful glow with Sculptra®

After age 20, you lose about 1% of collagen per year. Sculptra® is the first and original FDA-approved poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA-SCA) facial injectable that targets fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and other signs of aging due to collagen loss, gradually helping restore skin structure and volume
Sculptra® is ideal for patients who want to add fullness to their cheeks without implants and surgery. Candidates may have been born with flat cheeks, while other patients experience volume loss with age. Sculptra® may also be used to fill shallow to severe facial lines and wrinkles, including chin wrinkles, marionette lines, and nasolabial folds. The added volume and fullness of the skin and underlying bone from Sculptra® bio-stimulator injections leads to an overall lift of the facial contours, revealing a more youthful overall look.

How Sculptra works within the skin to stimulate natural collagen and elastin production.
Since Sculptra® helps to prompt the body's natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin, most patients will see a visible improvement in the overall health and appearance of their skin. Skin texture improves greatly, making the skin appear hydrated and youthful. This is a direct result of how Sculptra® works to rebuild and regain lost collagen, elastin, and other building blocks to regenerate healthy youthful skin.
Sculptra® has many benefits and is truly one of our magic weapons against aging at Bloom Aesthetics.
What are the steps involved in Sculptra® injections at Bloom Aesthetics?
Following an in-depth consultation to create a personalized treatment plan, you will receive your injections in one of our procedure rooms. To help you stay comfortable and at ease, we use numbing cream before cleaning and marking the areas to be injected. Once you are prepared, the Sculptra filler will be injected into the deeper layers of your skin at specifically selected sites, with a local anesthetic mixed in.

Before & After photos of actual patient treated with Sculptra® with two treatments 3 months apart.
What can I expect after Sculptra® injections at Bloom Aesthetics?
For longer-lasting and overall better results, we suggest a series of two to four injections that are done about three to six weeks apart. We are highly experienced in working with Sculptra® and will guide you with steps to follow for best results after treatment. Following your appointment, you may have mild to moderate redness, swelling, tenderness, or bruising at the injection areas that should resolve on its own in 3 – 5 days. To encourage healing, you can apply a cold compress to the treated areas. You should limit UV exposure as much as possible after your injection and always use sunscreen. Many patients will see visible improvements immediately following their injections with full results developing after several months when the natural collagen and elastin production improves the health of the skin. If performed in a series over 3 – 4 months, your results can last up to two years or more.